Call for Abstract

4th International Conference on Clinical and Medical Case Reports, will be organized around the theme “Exploration of Advancements in the Field of Medicine”

Clinical Case Reports 2017 is comprised of 17 tracks and 72 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Clinical Case Reports 2017.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

A branch of medicine which deals with the occurence, its spread & possible control of a disease,also deals with other factors related to health. Ebola- Virus that causes severe bleeding, leading to organ failure and death of an individual. Brucellosis- Disease of those who bring them into direct contact with domestic animals. Commonly seen symptoms are fever, chills, headache, weight loss etc Diphtheria- Severe infection of nose & throat which can be prevented by a vaccine. Hepatitis- Inflammation of the liver. There are various types of hepatitis. Haemophilius influenza- Gram-positive, anaerobic bacterium which causes a wide range of localized & invasive infections. Plague- Contagious bacterious disease which is characterized by fever and sometimes infection of the lungs may also be seen. Rabies-Virus spread to people through the salaiva of infected animals. Causes inflammation of brain in humans. Tetanus- Bacterial infection that causes muscle spasms and even lead to the death of an individual. Tuberculosis- Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It mainly affects the lungs. Severe cough with phlegm or blood is seen. Small pox & Several Other Case Reports Related to Epidemiology.

  • Track 1-1Clinical Epidemiology
  • Track 1-2Cardiovascular Epidemiology
  • Track 1-3Cancer Epidemiology
  • Track 1-4Epidemiologic Methods
  • Track 1-5Cancer Epidemiology
  • Track 2-1Cataract and Refractive Surgery
  • Track 2-2AMD and Retinal Disease
  • Track 2-3Cornea and External Disease
  • Track 2-4Diabetic Microvascular Complications
  • Track 2-5Glaucoma
  • Track 2-6Pediatric Ophthalmology

A branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects. A dermatologist treats diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails. Word dermatology derives from Greek word “Dermatos’’ meaning Skin. The skin weighs an average of 4 kilograms (8.8 lb.), covers an area of 2 square metres, and is made of three distinct layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Many conditions affect the human integumentary system-the organ system covering the entire surface of the body and composed of skin, hair, nails, and related muscle and glands.

  • Track 4-1Carcinoma
  • Track 4-2Infections on Skin, Nails and Hair
  • Track 4-3Melanoma
  • Track 4-4Congenital disorders & Several Other Case Reports on Dermatology

A branch of medicine which deals with the study & diagnosis of Tumors. A person who practices oncology is known as an Oncologist. Breast cancer- Development of cancer from the breast tissue. Cause fro the development of breast cancer includes obesity, alcohol consumption, lack of physical exercise, hormones replacement etc. Kidney cancer- Abnormal growth of cells in the kidneys. Caused due to smoking, obesity, genetic factors & exposure to chemicals etc. Liver cancer- Alcohol consumption is the utmost cause of liver cancer.Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, swelling of abdomen, weight loss etc. Lung cancer- Abnormal growth of cells in the lungs. Also known as pulmonary carcinoma. It can easily spread to other body parts if left untreated. Leukemia- Growth of cells abnormally in the blood-forming cells is termed as leukemia.Body loses its immunity. Skin cancer & Several Other Case reports Related to Oncology.

  • Track 5-1Breast & Cervical Cancer
  • Track 5-2Colon & Rectal Cancers
  • Track 5-3Liver Cancer
  • Track 5-4Lung Cancer
  • Track 5-5Blood Cancers
  • Track 5-6Head and Neck Surgeries and Cancers
  • Track 5-7Skin Cancer & Several Other Case Reports Related to Oncology

A branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to hormones. Endocrinology covers the coordination of human functions such as metabolism, respiration, reproduction, sensory perception and movements.

  • Track 6-1Diabetic Microvascular Complications
  • Track 6-2Reproductive Endocrinology
  • Track 6-3Adrenal Disorders
  • Track 6-4Thyroid Disease
  • Track 6-5Lipids and Cardiovascular Risk Management

The study of human mind,its functions & the mental status of an individual which has been a crucial subject to study. Psychological disorders occur due to interaction between genetic & environmental factors. Depression is the most commonly seen psychological disorder which may lead an individual to administer overdoses of drugs. Some of the psychological disorders are cocaine dependence, opoid dependence, barbiturate dependence etc. Psychologists try to understand a person's behavior, memory & mental health disorder. Their aim is to reduce the mental stress of an individual.

  • Track 7-1Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Track 7-2Schizophrenia
  • Track 7-3Phobia
  • Track 7-4Anorexia

A branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the Digestive system. Gastrointestinal diseases includes the gastrointestinal tract namely esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas & rectum. Alagille syndrome-Genetic disorder which can affect the liver, heart, kidney & other systems of the body. Abdominal adhesions- Caused due to bands of scar tissue which form between tissues & organs of abdomen, leading them to stick together. Appendicitis-Inflammation of appendix which is filled with pus, causing severe pain. Pancreatitis-Caused by alcohol or gallstones. Inflammation of the pancreas, causing severe pain. Cause of Chronic pancreatitis is due to alcohol consumption. Cause of acute pancreatitis is due to gallstones. Ulcerative colitis-Chronic inflammation of digestive tract caused due to inflammatory bowel disease. Irritable bowel syndrome- Disorder of intestine causing severe pain in the belly, constipation & gas. Most commonly seen disorder in present days due to intolerance of food. Diarrhea- Common disease which is not serious & characterized by loose, watery bowels which may last for few days. Constipation & Several Other Case Reports Related to Gastroenterology.

  • Track 8-1Gallbladder and Biliary Disease
  • Track 8-2Pancreatitis
  • Track 8-3Liver & Intestine Transplantation
  • Track 8-4Minimally Invasive Gastrointestinal Surgery

Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals. It is concerned with threats to health based on population health analysis.

  • Track 9-1sanitation and health
  • Track 9-2Health and sustainable development

A branch of medicine that deals with the diseases & disorders related to Heart & Blood vessels. It includes numerous problems which are life threatening. Rheumatic heart disease- Permanent damage to the heart following rheumatic fever. It may even lead to heart failure and sometimes the need for cardiac surgery. Hypertensive heart diseases- Heart problems that occur because of high blood pressure. It also includes problems such as: Coronary artery disease and angina. Ischemic heart diseases- Also known as coronary heart disease. In simple words it is defined as 'Hardening of the arteries'. Due to accumulation of cholesterol,ischemia can be caused. Inflammatory heart diseases- The inflammation of the heart muscles such as Myocarditis, the membrane surrounding the heart known as Pericarditis, the inner lining of the heart known as Myocardium are known as Inflammatory heart diseases. Congenital heart disease- This disease includes abnormalities in the cardiovascular structures that occur before birth. Such defects occur while the fetus is developing in the uterus. Heart failure & Several Other Case Reports Related to Cardiology.


  • Track 10-1Clinical Cardiology
  • Track 10-2Stroke/ Cerebrovascular Disease
  • Track 10-3Thrombosis
  • Track 10-4Hypertension
  • Track 10-5Interventional Cardiology & Surgery
  • Track 10-6Heart Failure
  • Track 10-7Acute Coronary Syndromes

A branch of surgery which involves the study, diagnosis & treatment of condition related to Musculoskeletal system. Arthritis- Inflammation in the joints causing severe pain and stiffness of the bones. Mostly seen in age group of 40years & above. Can be managed through medication. Ganglion cyst-A non-cancerous lump often seen on tendons or joints of wrist. Severe pain in the wrist is reported in this condition. Kawasaki syndrome- Inflammation in the walls of the blood vessels. Joint & abdominal is seen in initial stages. Other Symptoms such as- rashes, high fever, enlargement of lymph nodes etc. Marfan syndrome- A genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue. Blurred vision, crowded teeth, bulging or sunken chest are some of the symptoms. Neurofibromatosis & Several Other Case Reports Related to Orthopedics.

  • Track 11-1Arthroplasty
  • Track 11-2Osteoporosis
  • Track 11-3Joint Disorders
  • Track 11-4Spinal Disorders

A branch of medicine which deals with the cause & effects of diseases with laboratory examination of body tissues for forensic purpose. Anatomical pathology- Medical specialty which is concerned with the diagnosis of a disease depending upon immunological, microscopic, macroscopic & molecular examination of tissues & organs. Surgical pathology- Diagnosis of a disease to determine a treatment plan using a tissue which is taken from a living patient during surgery. Hematopathology- Branch of pathology which deals with diseases related to hematopoietic cells. These cells give rise to all other blood cells. Oral & Maxillofacial pathology- Represents dental specialty which can diagnose & treat problems related to oral & maxillofacial area. Cytopathology- This was founded by Rudolf Virchow in 1858. Deals with the study & diagnosis of diseases on the cellular level. Forensic pathology- Determines the cause of death by examining the corpse. Dermatopathology & Several Other Case Reports on Pathology.

  • Track 12-1Cardiac pathology
  • Track 12-2Pulmonary Pathology

A branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of Infants, Children, and Adolescents with an age limit of 18years. A person who specializes in this area is called as an Pediatrician. Rickets- Disease caused in children due to Vitamin-D deficiency characterized by softening & distortion of bones resulting in bow legs. Mumps- Infection caused by mumps virus of genes Rubulavirus that affects the salivary glands. It can be prevented by vaccination. Pneumonia- Inflammation of the air sacs in one or both the lungs. The will be filled with fluid. Chickenpox- It is highly contagious disease caused by virus namely Varicella zoster. It results in itchy & bristle-like rashes on the skin. Measles- Caused by Paramixovirus. Highly contagious disease that can easily spread when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Influenza- Caused by Influenza A (H1N1) virus. Commonly seen symptoms are severe fever & muscle aches. Bronchitis & Several Other Case Reports Related to Pediatrics.

  • Track 13-1Congenital Heart Disease
  • Track 13-2Neonatal Medicine
  • Track 13-3Pediatrics/Neonatal Care
  • Track 13-4Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
This is a branch of medicine which deals with the disorders and conditions of the ear, nose and throat region and the related areas of head and neck.
Chronic Sinusitis: This is a condition in which the cavities around the nasal passages become inflamed and swollen. Tinnitus: It cannot be classified as a disease however it’s a symptom of underlying condition, such as age related hearing loss, ear injury or circulatory system disorder. Rhinology: It is the study of nose, including the sinuses. Rhinology concerns with the diseases related to nasal passages and paranasal sinuses.
  • Track 14-1Rhinosporodiosis
  • Track 14-2Middle Ear Cavity
  • Track 14-3Tracheostomy
  • Track 14-4Myringotomy

A branch of medicine which deals with study, diagnosis, prevention & treatment of conditions, diseases & disorders related to Oral cavity & Maxillofacial area. Vincent infection-A painful disease of the mouth characterized by gray ulceration of the mucous membrane, bleeding of gums, foul odour to the breath etc. Oral Cancer- Type of cancer that can develop in any part of the mouth due to abnormal growth of cells. It occurs mostly in people over 40years of age. Dentures- Artificial replacement of one or more teeth,especially false teeth. Sensitivity- Seen when the enamel layer is too thin. It is characterized by severe pain & discomfort in the mouth. Cavities- Permanent damage of teeth which leads to tiny holes. Bleeding gums & Several Other Case Reports Related to Dentistry.

  • Track 15-1Orthodontics
  • Track 15-2Public Health Dentistry
  • Track 15-3Oral Surgery
  • Track 15-4Oral Pathology

Obstetrics & Gynecology are the branches of medicine which deals with health of Women before, during & after childbirth. It also includes the diagnosis and treatment of conditions & disorders related to Reproductive system. Asherman's syndrome- Condition where the cavity of the uterus tends to develop scar tissue causing adhesion to the uterus which effects the uterine cavity. Hemolytic disease of the newborn- Develops in the newborn when the igG antibodies pass from the mother to the fetus through placenta, leading to elevated bilirubin levels in the newborn. Congenital malformation of the female genital tract- These may occur due to environmental or genetic factors. Anomalies such as ovarian, tubular, uterus, vaginal are seen due to malformations. Trophoblastic tumors- The abnormal growth of cells in a women's uterus. These tumors start in the cells that develop into placenta. Vasa praevia & Several other Case Reports Related to Obstetrics & Gynecology.

  • Track 16-1Hypertension in pregnancy
  • Track 16-2Infections in pregnancy
  • Track 16-3Cervical neoplasia
  • Track 16-4Endometriosis
  • Track 16-5Fetal growth restriction

A branch of medicine which deals with the diseases of Central & Peripheral nervous system. In other words it includes the diseases & disorders related to brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, autonomic nervous system and neuromuscular junction. Parkinson’s disease- Disorder of the nervous system that effects the movements of the body. It is also known as idiopathic or Primary Parkinsonism. Brain tumor- Caused due to benign or malignant growths in the brain.It is categorized into two types-Primary brain tumor & Secondary brain tumor. Epilepsy-A neurological disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed, causing seizures. Alzheimer’s disease- Progressive disease that destroys memory & several other important mental functions. Multiple sclerosis- Disease in which the immune system destroys the protective covering of the nerves. Symptoms include impairment of speech, numbness, fatigue etc. Neuralgia- Severe pain along the course of nerve, especially in the head and face. Encephalopathy- Disease which alters the structure & functioning of brain. Brain Trauma & Several Other Case Reports Related to Neurology.

  • Track 17-1Neurosurgery
  • Track 17-2Sleep Disorders
  • Track 17-3Parkinson Disease
  • Track 17-4Spinal Disorders
  • Track 17-5Cerebrovascular Disease