Biography: Muhammad S. Tahir
Child and adolescent major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder are common, familial, chronic and recurrent that usually continues through adult life if left untreated. These disorders more often not appear earlier in life and accompanied by co morbid psychiatric conditions like suicide, behavioral problems and substance abuse; frequently associated with poor psychosocial functioning, academic performance and familial interaction. Hence increased need for early identification and treatment. Two major treatment modalities psychotherapy and medications have been found to be beneficial for treatment of acute stage of depressive disorder. Based on the current literature and clinical experience psychotherapy may be the first line of treatment, however antidepressant medications must be considered for those who have co morbid conditions like, psychosis, severe depression and those who did not respond to adequate trial of psychotherapy. Further research is needed to establish the etiological factors and efficacy of different treatment combinations, treatment resistant depression and other categories of depression (like dysthymia, bipolar depression) etc.